RACINE – For the second time this year, paid out-of-state recall organizers came to Racine County to deceive the constituents of the 63rd Assembly District. Organizers of the recall, Michael Gableman and Matt Snorek claimed that this second attempt was impervious to fraud. We now know, based on clear and convincing evidence, that this was false.

The organizers lied about Robin’s record saying he was part of the communist party and they lied about his record as a conservative legislator, but the constituents of the 63rd Assembly District saw through these falsehoods.

In the tight 10-day challenge window, it is blatantly clear that the constituents of the 63rd District were being misled when they were asked to sign. The recall committee submitted forgeries, allowed hundreds of individuals to sign the recall multiple times, and asked individuals to sign outside the legally allotted time. These factors along with countless other issues including thousands of signatures from outside the district mean this attempt will fail. We are confident the Wisconsin Elections Commission will reject this recall and will refer the perpetrators of this abuse of election laws to prosecutors.

A quick analysis of the petitions also puts into question the “vetting process” that the second recall attempt claimed they used to weed out bad or fraudulent signatures. Their “vetted-signatures” contain many errors, including:

– 2,000 signatures collected from outside the 63rd Assembly District.

– Nearly 370 individuals signed the recall multiple times. Forty individuals signed the recall at least three times. One individual signed the petition six times. In total, over 400 signatures should be thrown out as duplicates.

– Nearly 350 signatures were collected after the 60-day deadline. On page 190, you can see that Representative Janel Brandtjen (Menomonee Falls) spent Memorial Day (May 27th) collecting signatures in Mount Pleasant.

-Signatures were gathered at addresses that didn’t exist, were vacant, or were non-residential.

– Circulators included individuals with felony records, as well as individuals with incomplete or unverifiable addresses in other states.

It is unfortunate that these organizers have, for a second time, lied and misled the residents of Racine County. While we know it will never happen, they owe the people of our community an apology for corrupting the process and abusing Wisconsin’s election laws. 

“To the tens of thousands of people who were harassed by recall organizers and had the courage to not sign, the only thing I can say is thank you. I will continue to do my best to listen to you and fight for your interests,” said Rep. Vos.