Yesterday, during Senate floor debate, Senator Chris Larson accused Wisconsin police officers of “thinking it is a sport to shoot at our neighbors.” He went on to say that if Senate Bill 517 became law, Wisconsin police officers would kill “with disregard and glee.”

Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu issued the following remarks in response.

“Police officers across the state of Wisconsin put their lives on the line every day to ensure our safety. Senator Larson’s reprehensible floor speech is insulting to them and their families.

“I hope that Senate Democrats join me in condemning Senator Larson’s radical liberal comments and assure police officers across the state that their Democrat elected officials don’t believe they are ‘gleeful killers.’”

Senator LeMahieu wrote a letter calling on Senate Minority Leader Diane Hesselbein to condemn Senator Larson’s comments.

May 15, 2024

Senator Diane Hesselbein
Senate Minority Leader

enator Hesselbein,

I am writing today to bring reprehensible remarks made by a member of your caucus on the Senate floor yesterday to your attention.

Yesterday, Senator Chris Larson accused Wisconsin police officers of “shooting for sport” and “being quick to pull the trigger.” Senator Larson went on to say that if Senate Bill 517 were to become law, it would allow police officers to “kill with disregard and glee.”

Hardworking law enforcement officers across our state put their lives on the line every day to protect the citizens of Wisconsin. The State Capitol Police works daily to protect the Senate Chamber that Senator Larson used to impugn the character of their profession. As leaders of our respective caucuses and our state, we cannot allow Senator Larson’s egregious comments to stand on their own.

My office will be issuing a statement condemning Senator Larson’s remarks. I hope that your office and other members of your caucus join me and stand up to defend the character of the hardworking men and women of law enforcement.


Devin LeMahieu
Senate Majority Leader
9th Senate District

You can find Senator Larson’s full remarks on Wisconsin Eye (1:57:32).

The Senate voted to override Governor Evers’ veto of Senate Bill 517 yesterday. The bill would prevent superfluous John Doe investigations into law enforcement officers who credibly acted in self-defense.

Source: Leader LeMahieu News Release