Wisconsin farm production expenditures totaled​ $14.6 billion in 2023, according​ to the USDA, National​ Agricultural Statistics Service – Farm Production​ Expenditures 2023 Summary report.

This was​ $35 million above the 2022 total expenditures.

Feed​ expense, down 10 percent to $2.95 billion, represented the largest single production expense in Wisconsin in​ 2023, accounting for 20 percent of the total.

Farm​ Services, up 20 percent to $1.98 billion, was the second largest expense and accounted for 14 percent of total​ expenditures. The largest percentage increases from last​ year were for Livestock, Poultry and Related Expenses​ (up 68 percent),

Trucks and Autos (up 42 percent), and​ Miscellaneous Capital Expenses (up 36 percent).

The largest percentage​ decreases from last year were for Other​ Farm Machinery (down 36 percent) and Fertilizer, Lime and Soil Conditioners (down 13 percent).

Source: USDA, National​ Agricultural Statistics Service – Farm Production​ Expenditures 2023 Summary Report Press Release.