The Wisconsin Elections Commission, in a 4-2 vote, ruled today that the effort against Assembly Speaker Robin Vos fell short of the required number of signatures necessary to trigger a recall election.

The Commission rejected the petitions, citing the of gathering of signatures past the 60-day deadline mandated by statutes.

The body consists of six appointees, three appointed by the Republicans and three by Democrats. The decision was therefore bipartisan, as Carrie Riepl, a Dem appointee, voted with the three GOP appointees to reject the recall petitions

This decision avoided addressing a separate challenge from Vos regarding his eligibility for recall in the 63rd District. The anti-Vos forces were attempting to recall him from the 63rd Assembly District. However, Vos was relocated into the 33rd Assembly District after the districts were redrawn by the recent Supreme Court decision on redistricting.

The Court has prohibited the use of the old maps in any future election..

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court declined to clarify the map to be used for recall and special elections prior to the fall election.

Recall organizers turned in petitions from both the 63rd and 33rd districts but the WEC members today ruled the petitions insufficient.

This is the second time this year they’ve failed to recall the Assembly Speaker.

Predictably, as they did the last time they failed, Vos’ opponents turned to social media to pout.

No word, yet, if the group will go to court to appeal the ruling.