UW Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin first vowed to not talk to protest leaders as long as their illegal encampment continued. That lasted a few hours. Now the UW vows to continue discussions with the Hamas Glampers as long as they are “productive.” Meanwhile they promise the trespassing can continue and no police intervention will occur.

You would be forgiven if you thought this particular Weekend Update was a Saturday Night Live Skit…

Saturday update on Library Mall encampment

May 4, 2024

7 p.m. Saturday: Earlier today, for a little more than an hour, campus leaders engaged in a fourth conversation with student protest organizers to continue to discuss protest organizers’ concerns and expectations and to lay the foundation to resolve the tent encampment on Library Mall.

Students proposed bringing a set of suggested guidelines related to Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association (WFAA) investments to the next meeting. Campus officials made no commitments about disclosure of investments or divestment during the meeting because WFAA is a separate, independent 501c3 non-profit organization.

There was absolutely no discussion in today’s meeting about a ceasefire statement or cutting campus ties with Israeli institutions.

Campus leaders indicated it is not an option to remove UWPD from campus and they recognize and support the important role UWPD plays in productively engaging with and protecting the safety of the entire 60,000-member campus community. They listened to the concerns raised by the student leaders about their experiences with law enforcement.

Campus leaders offered resources to any student being impacted by events.

Campus leaders agreed to refrain from asking UWPD to clear the illegal encampment if productive discussions continue. In the event of a public safety concern or an emergency, UWPD will exercise its authority to keep the campus community safe.

Campus leaders engaged in these discussions agreed to another meeting with student protest leaders.