A group pushing for improvements in educational opportunities in Milwaukee is out with a new survey and their findings should open some eyes. City Forward Collective says their mission is to secure Milwaukee’s future by ending educational inequity and ensuring every child has the opportunity to attend high-quality schools. They issued the following press release this morning:
Milwaukee Voters Demand Accountability & Are Ready for Change: Survey Reveals Strong Support for School Board Recalls & MPS Governance Reforms
City Forward Collective Releases Key Findings from Survey of Milwaukee Voters
MILWAUKEE, WI – July 23, 2024 – A recent survey conducted by City Forward Collective & CFC Action Fund among registered voters in Milwaukee has revealed key insights into public opinion on Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) governance and financial management. The topline findings are based on a survey conducted from July 12-15, 2024, among a demographically- representative sample of 341 registered voters in the city of Milwaukee.
The survey found that strong majorities of respondents support significant changes to MPS oversight and management, and oppose additional tax increases to recover withheld state funding. Voters expressed low confidence in current MPS and School Board leadership and showed strong support for the ongoing, grassroots-led recall efforts.
“This survey reveals a stark reality: Milwaukee residents are deeply dissatisfied with the academic and financial performance of Milwaukee Public Schools, they’ve lost confidence in district leadership, and they’re looking to city & state elected officials to drive fundamental reforms,” said Colleston Morgan Jr., executive director of City Forward Collective. “It’s time for leaders to heed this call to action, implement deep reforms at MPS and beyond, and ensure we have a plan to ensure all Milwaukee students have access to high-quality schools of their choice.”
Key Findings:
1. Milwaukee residents remain deeply dissatisfied with the state of affairs at MPS, and believe more must be done to address the district’s academic and financial shortcomings
- 76% of respondents assign MPS a grade of C or lower, and just 18% believe MPS is getting better
- 49% of respondents lack confidence in the steps taken to date by the MPS School Board to address the district’s financial and operational issues
2. Milwaukee residents believe MPS School Board members should be held accountable for the district’s issues
- 66% of respondents support the recall of MPS School Board members
- 49% of respondents lack confidence in the steps taken to date by MPS officials in response to the ongoing financial crisis
3. Milwaukee residents remain concerned by the financial impact of MPS’ incompetence and financial mismanagement on their own pocketbooks
- 60% of respondents would now oppose the $252 million property tax referendum for MPS, an 11-point swing from the April election results.
- Only 4% of respondents support further increases in MPS’ property tax levy, to recover state funding withheld by DPI due to the district’s inaccurate financial reports
4. Milwaukee residents support significant, structural changes to MPS, though they remain opposed to both a full Mayoral takeover and to a breakup of MPS
- 77% support moving MPS School Board elections to fall of even-numbered years to increase voter participation.
- 63% of voters favor electing School Board members on a citywide, at-large basis
5. Milwaukee voters have lost trust in the public school bureaucracy, and are looking outside of the traditional system for leadership on K12 education
- On education issues, 75% of voters trust Governor Tony Evers
- 67% trust Mayor Cavalier Johnson
- 45% trust the Wisconsin Legislature
- 27% trust DPI State Superintendent Jill Underly
The findings from this survey are crucial for anyone invested in Milwaukee’s long-term success. As the city grapples with persistent achievement gaps and financial challenges in its public school system, these survey results provide a clear mandate for change.
The stakes are high for Milwaukee’s taxpayers, as well. As a result of the April 2024 referendum, local property taxes for MPS will increase by 30% over the next four years. This increase will make MPS the largest single portion of Milwaukeeans’ total property taxes, and the highest-funded local government entity in Wisconsin. In October, the MPS School Board will approve a final FY2025 budget and set the district’s tax levy for next year. If MPS chooses to levy the full revenue limit, it will include not just the referendum but an additional $81 million increase to recover lost state funding – adding hundreds of dollars more to property taxes and rents for Milwaukee’s residents.
The impact of these findings extends beyond Milwaukee, as more than 300 school districts across the state will see reductions of up to 17% in their state equalization aid payments due to the referendum’s passage. Through the ongoing state audits of MPS’ finances and academic performance, state leaders have indicated their intent to focus on MPS’ ongoing challenges. These survey findings reinforce public support for these efforts.
A well-functioning public education system is crucial for the future of the city’s workforce and economic vitality. This survey serves as a call to action for elected officials, civic leaders, and all stakeholders to work together to create a more effective, accountable, and financially sound system of high-quality, publicly funded schools that provide options to all of Milwaukee’s families.
City Forward Collective’s mission is to secure Milwaukee’s future by ending educational inequity and ensuring every child has the opportunity to attend high-quality schools.
City Forward Collective Press Release 7.23.24