Felzkowski Comments on DNR Fish and Wildlife Account Audit

Madison, WI – On Thursday, the Joint Legislative Audit Committee gave the go-ahead for an audit of the Department of Natural Resources Fish and Wildlife Account. Senator Mary Felzkowski (R-Tomahawk) praised the vote which reflects her major concerns over how the Department is operating, the structural deficit in the Fish and Wildlife Account, and whether dollars from Pittman-Robertson and Dingle-Johnson are appropriately going towards programs that benefit hunters and anglers.

Felzkowski commented: “We’ve recently seen some egregious acts of mismanagement coming out of our DNR. From shuttering the trout rearing programs across the state and dumping those fish in streams where they’ll never survive, failing on our walleye stocking numbers, turning a blind eye to a wolf population that’s wreaking havoc on northern Wisconsinites, and ignoring aquatic invasive species in our lakes – the Department has shown a complete lack of ability to manage the resources of Wisconsin.”

In the most recent 2023-25 biennial budget, the Joint Committee on Finance was forced to transfer $25 million from the Forestry account to the Fish and Wildlife Account to make up for major unexplained hole in the Fish and Wildlife budget.

Felzkowski continued: “When expenditures are higher than revenues, the Evers Administration jumps to the conclusion that we need to raise more revenues. Before raising revenues through fee increases and other options, we owe it to our hunters and anglers to ensure that his department is properly spending the revenue that they’re already currently receiving – including federal funding from Pittman-Robertson and Dingle-Johnson.”

The Department of Natural Resources has not had a Secretary since November 1, 2023 – for almost 10 months, they’ve been operating without an agency executive.

Felzkowski made the following statement: “Evers’ excuse that it’s too hard to find a DNR secretary who can work with a Republican Legislature is complete and utter BS – in fact, I know three people who would love to take the job right now. His problem isn’t the Legislature, it’s trying to find someone who is willing to carry out his far-left, out-of-touch environmental agenda. Instead of appointing a secretary, the Governor has relied on emboldened Madison bureaucrats who would find no greater pleasure than infringing upon the rights of Wisconsin sportsmen and women.”

Press Release – Office of Sen. Mary Felzkowski