Happy Presidents’ Day.

While we cannot save you money on a new pillow-top king sized bed, we can save you some time by bringing you the news you need. We’ve surveyed the offerings of local and state news important to Wisconsinites and selected a sampling that keeps you informed–but not overwhelmed. Here goes…

As of now, Governor Evers has not signed off on his own legislative redistricting this morning. We’ll publish an update if this changes.

The embattled superintendent of Green Bay schools has resigned in the wake of his open mic scandal. No, it wasn’t a bad set at the Improv or Chuckle Hut. He was caught providing his take on a candid assessment of his city and his co-workers. Officials have still not released video of his comments, but they did issue a comment in the wake of his resignation.

Green Bay Area Public School District Superintendent resigns amid controversial statementsWFRV

The Green Bay Area Public Schools’ Board of Education has accepted Superintendent Dr. Claude Tiller, Jr.’s resignation. The Board and Dr. Tiller, Jr. have mutually agreed to the terms of Dr. Tiller, Jr.’s resignation from the District. Both Dr. Tiller, Jr. and the District have agreed that this is the best course of action for both parties. The Board and District wish to express their gratitude to Dr. Tiller for his many contributions to the Green Bay Area Public School District and wish him well in his future endeavors. The Board and Dr. Tiller, Jr. appreciate the interest and the patience of District staff and the public over the past days and look forward to focusing back on the work of educating children.

Even with the resignation, we doubt this is the last we hear of the controversy and discussions over the future of the school district.

If Governor Evers signs a bill, passed by Republicans in both houses of the legislature, your Freshman in High School could soon be free get a job without your permission. While we believe there is honor in any job, perhaps Parents should still be given a say in where their 14 and 15 year old children work?

Proposal would eliminate Work Permits for 14 and 15 year oldsWKOW

Wisconsin Republicans are advocating for a bill that would eliminate the requirement for 14 and 15-year-olds to obtain a work permit. The bill, already approved by the Senate and passed by the Assembly, is now heading to the Governor’s desk.

…The bill wouldn’t change state laws regarding the number of hours minors can work and will still prevent them from dangerous jobs. However, it would allow 14 and 15-year-olds to get a job without parental consent.

A new report prompts an important question. Will Milwaukee use the proceeds of its new sales tax hike to right their financial ship by investing in pension and health obligations, or will they continue to ignore the pending disaster and instead spend their newfound largesse on new government funded projects and programs?

City of Milwaukee finances get a D in new reportBenjamin Yount, The Center Square

Truth In Accounting says Milwaukee has $1.3 billion to pay $4.4 billion in bills. Those bills include $1.2 billion in unfunded pension liabilities and another $1.2 billion in unfunded retiree healthcare benefits.

“Milwaukee had set aside only 79 cents for every dollar of promised pension benefits and no money set aside for promised retiree healthcare benefits,” the report adds.

Executive Vice President at the Institute for Reforming Government, Chris Reader, told The Center Square those numbers should worry Milwaukee taxpayers.

“It looks like the burden per Milwaukee taxpayer has more than doubled in the eight years of this report, from $6,800 in 2015 to $15,300 now,” Reader said. “The city also continues to slide down the rankings, from low 50s (of 75) to 68th. That should be unacceptable to taxpayers in Milwaukee.”

The Truth In Accounting report does not include the new money that Milwaukee will get from its new 2% sales tax. The city estimates it will receive nearly $190 million from that tax each year.

Ask law enforcement and they will tell you: the state has too many specialty car license plates. But since they are a revenue generator for the state, don’t expect the number (More than 50!) to decline.

These are the most popular specialty license plates in Wisconsin — Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Legacy radio station WTMJ in Milwaukee, which has long billed itself as Wisconsin’s radio station because it can be heard across most of the Eastern half of the state, changes its lineup and it’s format starting today. After thirty years of conservative news-talk, their lone remaining conservative talk show has been relegated to one hour and several new left-of-center host have been brought in to fill the rest of the schedule.

WTMJ announces new lineup and new visionWTMJ Radio

Both Wisconsin and Marquette fell in men’s basketball action this weekend. For Marquette they lost to the number one team in the nation. But for Wisconsin, it’s part of a baffling season ending skid.

No. 1 UConn men’s basketball makes statement in dominant 81-53 win over No. 4 MarquetteHartford Courant

Men’s Basketball: Wisconsin endures heartbreak, loses 88–86 to Iowa in overtimeThe Badger Herald

Those are today’s Key Reads. For those of us not working at a bank or certain units of government, today’s still a work day. Go get your Monday…