It wasn’t the best of days for Caesar, but we have nothing to fear today.

In fact, we’re determined to roll into St. Patrick’s Day weekend in a good mood after a fine day’s work.

Here are today’s Key Reads, which will keep you informed, but won’t overwhelm you like a swarm of politicians in bed sheets, wielding daggers.

If left unchallenged, a troubling new ruling by Wisconsin’s new, activist State Supreme Court could upend and possibly shut down charitable organizations across the country. The Court has created a new test so bureaucrats and jurists will be empowered determine an entity’s tax exempt status based on their deeds’ adherence to a religious code.

Who knew that State Supreme Court Elections were contests between theologians?

A Wisconsin ruling on Catholic Charities raises the bar for religious tax exemptions | The Associated Press

The outcome of the case, which drew attention and concern from religious groups around the country, raises the bar for all religions to show that their charity arms deserve such exemptions in the state. The Catholic organization’s attorneys immediately promised to appeal directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. If that court agrees to hear the case, any ruling could have broad national implications.

The Wisconsin court ruled 4-3 that the Superior-based Catholic Charities Bureau and its subentities’ motivation to help older, disabled and low-income people stems from Catholic teachings but that its actual work is secular…

“The Wisconsin Supreme Court got this case dead wrong,” said Eric Rassbach, vice president and senior counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a law firm that is representing Catholic Charities and its subentities. “CCB is religious, whether Wisconsin recognizes that fact or not.”

The firm will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, said Sarah Buckley, a Becket spokesperson.

U.S. religious institutions enjoy tax exemptions, most notably from property taxes. Debate has raged for decades over whether the exemptions are fair. 

Supporters say that the exemptions rightfully extend from the constitutional separation of church and state and that religious institutions would struggle without them. Opponents counter they amount to government support for religion and unfairly shift tax burdens to others. They also maintain that churches have grown increasingly political in violation of their tax-exempt status.

The allegations of forgery in the stalled effort to recall Wisconsin’s Assembly Speaker continue to spread. We’ll continue to monitor the investigation and any possible criminal referrals that may result.

Recall Vos organizers support investigation into forgery allegations | The Center Square

Those trying to oust Wisconsin’s assembly speaker say they are on board with an investigation into possible fraud in their recall effort.

The Recall Vos group said the point of the recall efforts against Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is to uphold transparency and faith in our government and are promising to cooperate with any future investigation…

Prosecutors in Racine County say they’ve received calls from people who say their names are on the recall list but insist they never signed anything.

“The Racine County District Attorney’s Office has had numerous calls to report theft of identifying information from electors whose names appear on the recall petitions, but did not sign a petition personally,” DA Patricia Hanson said in a statement Wednesday.

She is asking people to review the petitions and to report any suspected incidents of identity theft.

The WIAA Boys Basketball Tournament is underway in Madison. There were some amazing games yesterday, and the action continues this weekend.

See the tournament brackets.

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday, we bring you a special feature on the main site.

The history of the Irish in Wisconsin is intertwined with the state’s development and prosperity, leaving a lasting impact on our culture and political foundations.

In the 1830s, the first wave of Irish immigrants arrived in search of new opportunities, escaping the challenges faced in Ireland, including poverty and political unrest. 

Many Irish settlers gravitated towards the industrial centers of Milwaukee and the mining regions of southwestern Wisconsin. Their strong work ethic propelled them to find employment in vital industries like mining, construction, and the construction of canals and railroads. 

Their contributions played a pivotal role in shaping the state’s infrastructure. Furthermore, Wisconsin’s agricultural landscape witnessed the Irish influence as they established farms, particularly in the southern and western areas of the state. 

They engaged in dairy farming and crop cultivation, bolstering Wisconsin’s agricultural sector. Alongside their physical contributions, the Irish brought..

Finally, there are numerous local St. Patrick’s day parades and events all across the state this weekend.

We’ve compiled a handy list. Have a wonderful weekend.