The idea that any school district would consider joining forces with the disreputable, dysfunctional disaster that is MPS is unfathomable. But, indeed, the wizards of smart that oversee neighboring Wauwatosa schools are looking to the state’s largest and most poorly run school district for answers to their own budget mess.

Wauwatosa School Board votes to make MPS merger research public | TMJ4

A proposed merger of the Wauwatosa and some Milwaukee public schools was the focus of a special meeting of the Tosa School Board on Tuesday.

…Some board members said the reason for looking into this option is because of declining enrollment and birth rates in both Wauwatosa and Milwaukee.

Nothing will cool off Wauwatosa’s housing market faster than talk of combining forces with MPS. If there was a hall of fame of dumb ideas from government 1) It would be very crowded and 2) This move would be the top exhibit.

Remember, MPS fired, oh we’re sorry, MPS’ Superintendent left his position earlier this year after it was discovered that the budget was such a mess that the state would be clawing back tens of millions of dollars in state aid the district received but to which it was not entitled. This came after news that the federal government would no longer partner with the district for the Head Start Program.

Enrollment is down. Grad rates, literacy, and test scores at MPS are dreadful.

How pathetic are Wauwatosa’s school board members that they would turn to MPS for answers to their own problems?

We can’t wait to get our hands on all the documents surrounding this folly.

Stay tuned.

MPS is also in the news for failure to comply with state law regarding school safety…

The whiny protesters are back on the Madison campus and are pitching a fit instead of tents. They can’t believe that a small sliver of them will be dealing with figurative slaps on the wrist for their lawbreaking from April and May…

We have these stories, news on the presidential ballot, the Packers’ roster cuts and more in today’s Key Reads. Enjoy…

Republican senator frustrated with no officers in MPS | The Center Square

Universities of Wisconsin leader says layoffs were needed because of falling demand | WPR

UW-Madison faces deadlines from pro-Palestinian encampment deal | The Cap Times

How the Packers reduced their roster to 53 players during final cuts | PackersWire

Wisconsin Elections Commission approves Jill Stein, RFK Jr., Cornel West for the ballot | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects request to hear recall attempt from Vos opponents | WPR