In conjunction with School Choice Week, Dairyland Sentinel provides this chronicle of this history of School Choice in Wisconsin
An Idea Becomes Reality
The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) emerged in 1989 as a response to the dissatisfaction of Milwaukee families with traditional public education. Despite facing significant opposition, key figures like Governor Tommy Thompson, State Representative Polly Williams, State Senator Gary George, Susan Mitchell, and Howard Fuller fought for its establishment, leading to the creation of the country’s first voucher program in 1990.
Expanding Choices to Include Religious Schools
The ethos of educational choice is about trusting and empowering parents to select the best educational environment for their children. Initially limited to non-religious private schools, the 1995 amendment to include religious schools sparked debate. However, this expansion was upheld by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 1998, broadening parental options.
Statewide Public School Choice
Open enrollment in Wisconsin public schools began in 1998 as a bipartisan initiative, offering parents the opportunity to send their children to schools outside their residential district. Since its inception, the program has required each district to publicize the number of available seats for open enrollment students, based on factors like student-teacher ratios and building capacities. Students could apply to up to three different districts, with districts having the discretion to evaluate applicants based on discipline history and truancy. If demand outstripped availability, a random lottery was conducted. The primary application window was established from February to April, with an additional late summer window for students affected by specific circumstances like violence or moving into the state.
National Influence of Milwaukee’s Model
The success of the Milwaukee model inspired other states, with Florida, Ohio, and Arizona establishing their own school choice initiatives by 2000. The debate on religious school inclusion resurfaced but was conclusively resolved in 2002 when the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the participation of private religious schools.
Addressing Demand with Enrollment Cap Increases
The growing popularity of the MPCP led to a supply-demand imbalance by 2005. Advocates pushed for an expansion through a “lift the cap” campaign, resulting in the removal of the Milwaukee Public Schools percentage cap and setting a new fixed limit at 22,500 students.
Emergence of Online “Virtual” Schools
At the beginning of 2002, the Appleton School District announces plan to start Wisconsin Connections Academy. In September 2002, Connections opened as scheduled, but was quickly met with a lawsuit from WEAC, the state teachers’ union. arguing that the school violated open-enrollment laws. WEAC lost the case but chose not to appeal due to their involvement in another lawsuit against another online school, the Wisconsin Virtual Academy.
By September 2003, WIVA opened, only to be sued again by WEAC, this time also for allegedly using parents as unlicensed teachers, despite their volunteer status as learning coaches. WEAC lost this lawsuit as well but decided to appeal. The legal battles continued, with significant developments in the following years:
In December 2007, an appeals court ruled in WEAC’s favor, potentially threatening the closure of all virtual schools in Wisconsin, and the displacement of thousands of students.
This ruling led to legislative action as two bills were introduced in 2008. The political tug-of-war continued into February 2008 when Senators John Lehman and Luther Olsen, along with Representative Brett Davis announced a compromise bill that preserved full funding while adding some restrictions. However, Governor Jim Doyle, influenced by WEAC, threatened to veto the bill unless an amendment was added to cap enrollment. The cap was reached in 2009.
Beyond Milwaukee
In 2011, Governor Scott Walker’s proposed budget eliminated the enrollment cap for the MCPC and adjusted income thresholds to include more Milwaukee families. The Racine Parental Choice Program (RPCP) was launched, followed by the statewide Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP), both initially with enrollment caps.
In June 2011, Governor Walker signs his first State Budget, which also eliminated the enrollment cap on Virtual Schools.
Special Needs Scholarships and Further Expansion
The Special Needs Scholarship Program (SNSP) was introduced in 2015, offering scholarships for students with IEPs to attend private schools. The WPCP’s overall cap was lifted, although district-specific caps remained, leading to over 40,000 students participating in Wisconsin’s choice programs.
Surge in Support
By the 2020-21 academic year, enrollment in Wisconsin’s choice programs had surged to over 55,000 students. Public support was robust, with 54% of Wisconsin residents favoring these initiatives, and an even higher approval rate of 57% among those under 45.
From its initial modest participation of around 2,500 students, the public school Open Enrollment program in Wisconsin has seen a significant increase. By the 2020-21 school year, approximately 8.5% of all public school students, or more than 70,000, were attending schools outside their “home districts.” This growth underscores the popularity and utility of the program, which has expanded every year since its inception
In the 2022-23 school year, 73,280 students participated in the Open Enrollment program, a testament to its growing appeal.
Over the years, the Open Enrollment program has been subject to various legislative tweaks, including adjustments in funding mechanisms, application windows, and criteria for acceptance or rejection. For instance, pupils can now apply part-time for specific courses in another district, and there are provisions for alternative applications outside the regular window for students in unique situations. The DPI and ‘home’ district still have a bureaucratic veto over transfers, but Wisconsin’s Open Enrollment process is the most popular form of School Choice exercised in the state.
School Choice began in Wisconsin.
School Choice thrives in Wisconsin.