MPS Didn’t File District Aid Certification Due On August 30

MADISON – Senator Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) is ringing alarm bells on Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) missing the first required filing under their approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP) resulting from MPS failing to file required financial reports to the state. The Fiscal Year 24 District Aid Certification for MPS was due on August 30th but it has yet to be filed.

“This was the very first step under the agreed-to Corrective Action Plan and they missed it,” said Wanggaard. “MPS and State Superintendent Jill Underly agreed that submitting this report on time and accurate was ‘high-priority and high-urgency.’ It’s in writing. What is our state’s school leader going to do about it?” asked Wanggaard.

The missing Aid Certification was confirmed to Wanggaard via email from Department of PublicInstruction (DPI) Executive Director, Sachin Chedha. This marks at least the second straight year that MPS failed to timely filed its Aid Certification. The late filings over the last year may result in MPS losing tens of millions in state school aid for this school year. Part of the CAP requires MPS to “timely and accurately” file financial data. Milwaukee’s next required filing under the CAP, the Aid Certification for the 22-23 school year, is due tomorrow, September 13th.

“I don’t care if MPS is one of 100 schools that haven’t filed their Aid Certification yet. MPS is the one under the Corrective Action Plan,” said Wanggaard. “Deadlines are deadlines. Without consequences, there’s no reason to meet a deadline. Everyone knows that.”

“MPS is so big, and so heavily state-aided, its financial decisions have a huge impact on schools statewide,” said Wanggaard. “This literally impacts every single district in Wisconsin. Superintendent Underly must impose consequences on MPS. She can’t just ignore the problem like she did before Milwaukee’s $256 million referendum that hurt most every district in the state.”

Senator Wanggaard will represent a portion of the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee Public School District beginning in January

Wanggaard Office Press Release