A Dairyland Sentinel Perspective by Brian Fraley

Someone tried to kill Donald Trump on Saturday. Came within a millimeter of doing so.

The Associated Press is reporting just how close the shooter came to the Trump Rally.

It is no time to negotiate with protesters who are vowing to breach the established Republican National Convention security perimeter in order to get closer to Trump and RNC delegates in Milwaukee.

According to press reports, “Organizers of a protest group that long vowed to march in close proximity to next week’s Republican National Convention announced Friday they reached a deal with the city allowing them to demonstrate one block away from Fiserv Forum.”

That would be in conflict with the security perimeters and designated protest areas announced by law enforcement.

There is absolutely no reason local law enforcement should engage in a ‘handshake agreement’ with protesters who are gearing up for conflict with authorities. In fact, prudence would dictate a larger, more hardened security footprint be maintained.

There are designated protest areas. There is no designated parade route, but there are hard and soft security zones. The laws and prohibition on non-permitted marches should be upheld.

These protestors are gearing up for massive conflicts and the subsequent arrests that will follow. Weeks ago they announced Sunday’s fundraising benefit concert to help pay for bail for those who will break the law.

Make no mistake, you have a right to vocally disagree with politicians and people in power. But you do not have a right to create unsafe conditions for tens of thousands of people.

Over the last several months, thousands of individuals from across the country have been busy organizing mass demonstrations to coincide with with the RNC in Milwaukee. These groups include the Party of Communists USA and The American Party of Labor, which bills itself as “a revolutionary working class organization in the United States.”

Joining those revolutionaries will be members of the following organizations: Code Pink, Baltimore Peace Action, Colorado Palestine Coalition, Denver-Aurora Community Action Committee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, International League of Peoples Struggle, Legalization for All Network, Minnesota Abortion Action Committee (MNAAC), Minnesota Anti-War Committee, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression – Atlanta, Dallas and Tampa chapters, New Orleans Artists for Palestine, New Orleans for Community Oversight of Police (NOCOP), New Orleans Stop Helping Israel’s Port (NOSHIP), San Jose Against War, Silicon Valley Immigration Committee, Starbucks Workers United, Tucson Anti-War Committee, Women Against Military Madness, and the Grand Valley State University chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America.

They join dozens of local, state and national organizations and activists endorsing the Coalition to March on the RNC 2024 Monday through Thursday.

It is clear they expect conflicts and mass arrests to occur. They are gearing up for it, raising money for bailing out those arrested.

So, again…Someone tried to kill Donald Trump on Saturday. Came within a millimeter of doing so.

It’s no time to negotiate with protesters who are vowing to breach the security perimeter in order to get closer to Trump and RNC delegates in Milwaukee.

Expand the hard security perimeter. Be clear that any march cannot cross it, or any soft perimeter.

Make it crystal clear the law will be enforced.