As January comes to a close you may have noticed an uptick of original content on this site. That will continue, and actually accelerate as we introduce new features that we’re sure our audience will appreciate. However, these Key Reads will remain a staple. If you’d like these Key Reads sent to you Mon-Fri, please sign up for our newsletter. We’re not going to flood you with useless advertising and click bait. Our mission remains the same, save you time and keep you informed, not overwhelmed.

Should tax dollars be used to boost the pay of federal contractors or to help journalists? Some people think so. Plus we have updates on the ongoing redistricting mess and absentee ballot regulations…

Judge orders Wisconsin elections officials to move quickly on changing absentee ballot rules – Associated Press

Public funds for private journalists? The Cap Times

Wisconsin Attorney General files brief supporting more federal money for contractorsThe Center Square

Judge throws out disorderly conduct citation against Green Bay election observer – WLUK