Governor Evers announced the firm that will take a look at just how messed up the books at MPS really are. However, it remains unknown how much the audit will cost or when the findings will be released to the public.

Gov. Evers Announces MGT Consulting of America Selected to Conduct Independent Audit of MPS Operation | Dairyland Sentinel

MGT of America Consulting, LLC (MGT) has been selected by his administration to conduct an outside, independent audit of Milwaukee Public Schools’ (MPS) operations, processes, and procedures. Gov. Evers announced last month he would commit the necessary resources to proceed with conducting operational and instructional audits of the district after the effort received support from area legislators, MPS School Board of Directors, and community leaders, among others.

MGT brings a team with direct experience working in public schools, including a former educator, as well as experience conducting operational reviews and providing strategic support to school districts. In their response to the proposal, MGT committed to a “strategic, student-centered approach” in their work to make “evidence-based recommendations to improve central office effectiveness and efficiency.”

“I’ve been clear from the beginning that the folks selected to conduct the independent, outside audits of MPS bring expertise and specific experience in classrooms, schools, and helping support school districts facing significant challenges, which is critical if we’re going to identify issues and have meaningful conversations in the future about solutions. MGT fits that build, and I’m looking forward to them beginning their work auditing MPS’ operations,” Gov. Evers said.  

“This operational audit will be focused on examining the district’s financial reporting and management, reviewing human resources training, processes, and professional development, and developing strategies to improve effectiveness and efficiency at central office,” continued Gov. Evers. “This audit will play a critical role in helping get MPS back on track in support of our kids, families, and educators across MPS, as well as the greater Milwaukee community.”

The governor previously announced he would direct the necessary resources for the state to hire outside, independent auditors to go well beyond the financial audit MPS is required to submit annually for state reporting. The operational audit is being conducted under an existing state contract, enabling the Evers Administration to begin conducting the operational audit as soon as possible. The Wisconsin Department of Administration will now finalize a contract with MGT in order for their work and engagement with MPS to begin.

Another judge dismisses another election-related lawsuit.

Judge dismisses lawsuit challenging absentee voting procedure in battleground Wisconsin | The Associated Press

A Wisconsin judge dismissed a lawsuit Monday that challenged absentee voting procedures…

The ruling stems from a lawsuit Thomas Oldenberg, a voter from Amberg, Wisconsin, filed in February. Oldenberg argued that the state Elections Commission hasn’t been following a state law that requires voters who electronically request absentee ballots to place a physical copy of the request in the ballot return envelope. Absentee ballots without the request copy shouldn’t count, he maintained.

Commission attorneys countered in May that language on the envelope that voters sign indicating they requested the ballot serves as a copy of the request.

The City of Madison may jack up property taxes by more than $1,300 a year for the average home if more than a half billion dollars in school referenda are approved this fall. One fifth of the today will go to every day operational expenses and more than $400 million will help the district go on a building boom.

How Madison school district leaders picked 10 schools for upgrades | The Cap Times

The district is asking voters for the money as funding from federal pandemic aid and a 2020 referendum are set to expire. If voters also approve of the district’s other referendum on the November ballot — a $100 million request to help fund day-to-day expenses — district officials estimate the owner of an average-value home in Madison would see a $1,376 increase on property tax bills by 2028.

For the larger referendum to rebuild or fix 10 schools, Soldner said the district selected schools partially based on a promise from the 2020 referendum. The School Board pledged future upgrades would target the district’s remaining alternative high school and focus on middle schools. The 2020 referendum had funded fixes at four comprehensive high schools and a new building for Southside Elementary School.

We love this story. Welcome to Wisconsin, Jeff Hafley.

Packers defensive coordinator Jeff Hafley amazed by Packers fans, can’t wait to experience Family Night this week | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

“Shoot, I left last night late, I think people were tailgating in our parking lot at 9 o’clock at night,” Hafley said Monday while expressing his appreciation for Packers fans and the traditions he’s learning about. “We ended practice at like 12:15.

“I mean there was people tailgating in our parking lot at 9 o’clock at night on a Sunday. Practice had been over for six hours. People were asking for autographs and running around.”

Wait until the crowd reacts to the team when they beat the Bears by 30 at Lambeau, Coach Hafley, just you wait.