The history of piracy on the high seas is filled with tales of notorious figures who left their mark on the world through daring exploits and hidden treasures. Did you know that Wisconsin has its own swashbuckler right on Lake Michigan?

Wisconsin Pirate Dan Seavey’s life is a fascinating blend of mystery, audacity, and maritime adventure that continues to capture the imagination of history enthusiasts and pirate aficionados.

Early Life

Born in 1865 in Stoughton, Wisconsin, Dan Seavey’s life took a curious turn as he grew up along the shores of Lake Michigan. His seafaring ambitions led him to pursue a life on the water from a young age, and he soon became enamored with the allure of piracy.

Pirate on the Great Lakes

Dan Seavey gained notoriety as a pirate on the Great Lakes during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His criminal activities primarily revolved around acts of piracy, smuggling, and bootlegging. Seavey’s bold escapades often involved hijacking ships, looting cargo, and dodging law enforcement.

One of the most infamous episodes in his pirate career was the hijacking of the schooner Nellie Johnson in 1908. Seavey and his crew overtook the vessel, looted its cargo, and left its crew stranded on a deserted island. Seavey’s audacious actions earned him a reputation as a ruthless pirate of the Great Lakes.

Treasure and Controversy

Dan Seavey’s legacy is shrouded in controversy due to rumors of buried treasure along Lake Michigan’s coastline. He was said to have hidden his ill-gotten gains in secret locations throughout the region, leading to ongoing treasure hunts and speculation about the whereabouts of his fortune. However, whether Seavey truly left behind hidden riches or if it’s just a legend remains a matter of debate.

Capture and Imprisonment

Despite his cunning escapades, Dan Seavey’s pirate career eventually came to an end. In 1908, he was captured and sentenced to prison for his involvement in the Nellie Johnson hijacking. After serving his sentence, he retired from a life of piracy, but his legacy as the Wisconsin Pirate endured.


Dan Seavey’s story continues to capture the imagination of those intrigued by pirates and their adventurous exploits. His life, filled with daring heists, hidden treasures, and a dash of mystery, has been the subject of books, documentaries, and even local folklore. The tales of Seavey’s piracy on the Great Lakes and the possibility of undiscovered treasures still pique the interest of treasure hunters and history enthusiasts to this day.


While the truth behind the tales of buried treasure may remain uncertain, the legend of Dan Seavey continues to enchant those who are captivated by the romance of a life on the high seas and the allure of hidden riches.

Captain Dan Seavy died in Peshtigo in 1949 and is buried next to his daughter at Forrest Home Cemetery in Marinette, WI. If you feel like looking for some of that buried treasure and raising a glass to the legend, may we suggest a bottle of Roaring Dan’s Rum from Great Lakes Distillery in Milwaukee, WI.